The Legacy: Elijah
So I’m straight-up horrible at keeping the blog updated, as it turns out.
Locked In came out. Kennedy came out. And I was so busy getting Elijah ready that I totally blanked on writing any blog posts. So for the record, following me on Facebook/Instagram is way more reliable than the blog. I know, I know. How horrible of me. There are a thousand things to do as an author, and as a mom, and I just cannot do them all and do them all well. I’ve wanted to write some random vent/rant blogs here lately, so maybe I’ll make more of an effort to be better at it. Maybe. Just don’t hold your breath or anything. 😳
I’m going to keep this one short and sweet, also probably redundant for some of you, but this is my attempt to get everyone on the same page. I’ve had lots of questions lately about the Legacy series. So here we go, people.
The Legacy series is the next generation from the Culling series. The heirs from the Culling series will have a shot at competing for the next presidency. There will be four Legacy books in the spinoff to the Culling books, for a total of seven Culling-themed books.

The Legacy: James is out now. (Link will shoot you over to Amazon.)
The Legacy: Kennedy is also out now.
And The Legacy: Elijah is out TODAY!
The final Culling book ever, The Legacy: A New Era, will be out in the summer of 2021. It follows James, Kennedy, and Elijah and hops perspectives throughout. I am so proud of A New Era. I got to end the Legacy series the way I wanted to end the Culling series but just realistically could not. Now, while I have you, for the cozy Christmas series, both Snowed In and Locked In are already out. The final Christmassy book will be out this Fall ending that series. I’m pretty sure I know the title, but I’m only about a third into writing the dang thing, so I better keep it to myself in case I change my mind! So pretty much all of my series are wrapping up in 2021. The Culling series and Legacy series will be out and done. The Christmassy series will be done.
. . . So what will I do next?
Like I said last time, I'm almost bursting at the seams to tell you. I cannot give you too many details, but I will say it’s fantasy. I’m not sure if it will be YA fantasy or adult fantasy. It’ll still be clean(ish), per my usual. This new stuff is already taking over, guys. I cannot wait to get these next books out of my brain and just disappear from reality to WRITE. I already cannot wait for you to meet these new characters in this totally different world.
And again, I don’t honestly know how long it’ll take to write this next series. 2020 taught me to be more flexible and give myself more grace in deadlines. Hopefully, you'll get some of the new series next year? I have no idea. But I will say this . . . there’s magic in this new world.
But first, finishing off the Legacy series and Snowed In series. 2021 is going to be a busy year. You have two book releases from me already, and two more still to come. Plus the hope of this new series in the mix.
Buckle up, everyone. I see a pair of villains and a cliffhanger or two in our future. 😉